WeLcOmE tO mY hOmEpAgE!!

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HeY! ThAnKs FoR StOpPiNg By!!

Hey...I KNOW the update has been way overdue!! Sorry that you all have had to look at the same thing for the past several months!! I know that it could still use some work, but as for now, this is all that I've been able to accomplish...It's been busy over here in Alabama! ....but, things are gradually beginning to slow down a little now....I think!! :) Email me sometime to let me know how you're a doing!


 AuGuSt BiRtHdAyS
August 1...............................................Mama

August 3..................................Jacki Anthony

August 25............................................Daddy

August 29.........................................Brandon


AuGuSt AnNiVeRsArIeS

August 8.................David & Heather Hobby

August 16.......Stephen & Amanda McClain

August 19.............................Daddy & Mama

*If you have any announcements, pictures, etc.
that you would like me to add to the site,  e-mail
them to me and I'll be glad to post them for ya!*:)

....to Lawrence & Krystal Collins....
their first baby is due in February!

Check out the weather forecast right here!


Hope you are
having a wonderful day!

"Be the Change You Want to See!!"